tiNiWorld App

  • Strategy

    Brand Strategy, UX Strategy

  • Design

    UI/UX Design, Art Direction

  • Client

    NKid Group

Open Project

What is the tiNiWorld


This app is too simple for membership card account management with some functions consists of: helping parents manage e-wallet better, Booking a birthday party, Providing promotion campaigns.

The Problem Statement

Lack of the awareness

Poor Description and complicated visual

There are no document and also detail information that tiNi build before even it’s user flow. It’s seem to dare my mind for re-discover, everything come to zero at the moment. People that can’t find accurately information to be more attractive for loo and feel such as: color brand appeared near 90% screen, low hierarchy, small spacing with large font,..

Length issues

Due to the small screens of mobile phones, length could often be a problem especially when you are writing detail article for some promotion campaign.

Low Retention

Just 5% users know the accessing app to get promotion notification, near 90% using an app for getting offline promotion with the first experience, no one keep it in mind for the long time.

How we understand

Do a S.W.O.T Analysis

S.W.O.T analysis

Use SWOT Analysis to assess tiNI World’s current position before we decide on any new strategy. Find out what’s working well, and what’s not so good. Ask ourself where tiNI want to go, how tiNI might get there – and what might get in our way.

How we discover

Understanding the problem and Analysis

Survey information

• Sample size: 431 samples
• Respondent criteria: Male & female married, 24-60 years old, with kids.
• Area: Nationwide

Executive summary

Overall , family spends 3,000,000 – 6,000,000 VND per month for the schooling (per kid)
• Satisfaction ratio in education school is high
• 56% of the kids go to the external classes
• English, mathematics and swimming are the 3 activities most chosen for external school activities
• 54% kids go 2-3 days / week to follow additionals studies

How We Create

User Flow

Draw User Flow

At this point the project had become well – grounded. We had thorough understanding about its core features, structure and functionality. The goal of this stage was to organise and structure all the content from the research phase. We created a basic flow each step on the path of the users.

Built a new UI/UX

Stylish visual support
on any devices.

Let your design a team of creatives who are excited about unique ideas and help digital acompanies. But structure were from the funny the century rather.

So many isues from data system, technical supporting to differ the cultural tradition in vietnam, we still try to re-build and deployment to focus user-centric also become leader in Kid Activities in Vietnam market.

Mobile App Design
Case Study
were solved